Tally Solutions
Tally Solutions

CA Licensing - Terms and conditions

This is a limited period initiative from ICAI to its practicing CA members up till 31st of March 2020

Special Price Actual Price
+ taxes
+ taxes

50% discount on Tally Software Services (TSS) subscription for all licenses purchased under special CA schemes

All CA firms registered with ICAI with FRN number or practicing members of ICAI without FRN number can avail this offer

For branch offices, second offices and any other exceptions, request can be sent to support@tallysolutions.com and can avail this offer

Please note: A CA/CA firm who have already availed any such previous special offers of Tally against their FRN/MRN need not apply.

This special priced license is meant for usage at the CAs office and not for Clients or customers of a Chartered Accountant